How to Add Value

How To Add Value and WOW Your Clients

Creating the WOW factor for your clients is all about the value you add, and is vital for turning customer relations into Raving Fans. But how do you go about this?

In today’s competitive market, it is not enough to provide good service; it is equally important to stand out with exceptional service that goes beyond the norm. In this blog post, we will explore ways to add value and wow your clients by focusing on the little things that count. We will discuss practical strategies that will help you differentiate yourself from your competitors and create an unforgettable experience for your customers.

As businesses strive to remain relevant, they constantly search for ways to improve the value they offer to their clients. Entrepreneurs and sales professionals are always looking for ways to create an exceptional experience that will make clients feel special and keep them coming back for more. Let’s deep dive into this.

Here are seven powerful ways that you can practice for how to add value and wow your clients:

1️⃣ Give Unconditionally:

Giving unconditionally is a highly ethical and powerful strategy for how to add value in all business relationships and at networking events.

When you give more than you receive, people tend to respect and trust you more, which leads to deeper, long-lasting relationships. By providing help, information, or excellent resources without expecting anything in return, you are effectively building trust and goodwill among your colleagues and other entrepreneurs.

Additionally, being a giving person opens up several doors for you, including opportunities for collaborations, partnerships, and introductions to new connections. Overall, unconditional generosity is a strong foundation for any successful business, and it paves the way for reciprocity and mutual growth in all networking events and business relationships.

2️⃣ Be Excellent at One Thing:

It’s natural to assume that by offering a multitude of services, you’ll increase the value of your business. However, that isn’t always the case. While it may seem like a good idea, it can actually backfire if the quality of each service is mediocre.

That’s why it’s important to redesign your service model. Prioritising the core services you offer and consistently delivering excellence in those areas is a surefire way to add real value to your clients.

Stripping down your business to focus on just one core service may seem counterintuitive at first. However, by doing so, you can perfect that service and set yourself apart from competitors. Your clients will appreciate the consistently high level of quality and become loyal to your brand.

Remember, focus on quality over quantity. By delivering excellence every time, you’ll create a loyal customer base and establish yourself as a trusted resource in your industry.

3️⃣ Plus 1%:

The idea that doing just 1% more in business and commercial relationships can lead to substantial returns is rooted in the concept of the “lollipop effect“, and is an excellent practice for how to add value and wow your clients.

The lollipop effect states that small, unexpected acts of kindness can have a significant impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. By going above and beyond what is expected, even by just 1%, businesses can differentiate themselves and create strong emotional connections with their customers.

For example, a restaurant that provides complimentary bread and butter with a meal may be remembered positively by customers long after the meal is over, leading to repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth. Similarly, a company that includes a handwritten thank-you note with a purchase may stand out in the customer’s mind and encourage them to become a return customer.

These small gestures create added value, and over time, can lead to significant returns on investment.

4️⃣ Become An Active Listener:

Mastering the art of becoming an active listener is a crucial skill that can add tremendous value to your client and business relationships.

Active listening means giving your undivided attention to the person speaking, understanding their message, and responding appropriately. It shows that you respect their opinion and value their input. Some ways to improve and practice active listening include:

  • Maintaining eye contact
  • Asking relevant questions
  • Clarifying information
  • And summarising what was discussed.


Additionally, it is essential to put distractions aside (such as your phone), avoid interrupting, and practice empathy. Active listening can help you become more attuned to your client’s needs, leading to better communication, faster problem solving, and a stronger business relationship.

By mastering this essential skill, you’ll be able to add value to your client and business relationships, stand out from the competition, and establish yourself as a trusted and reliable partner.

5️⃣ Make It All About Them:

One of the most powerful ways to add value and Wow your clients is to make them feel important.  Dale Carnegie states in his book “How to win friends and influence people” –

  1. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.


When we make others feel genuinely valued and respected, we build stronger, more meaningful relationships and cultivate a culture of trust and rapport.

Some practical ways to achieve this include actively listening to your clients, acknowledging their accomplishments and successes, showing genuine interest in their pain-points, concerns and needs, helping them find solutions to their challenges without expecting anything in return, and expressing gratitude for their loyalty and partnership.

By taking the time to make our clients feel important in every interaction, we create an environment where they feel truly seen, heard, and appreciated. This not only fosters a positive and productive working relationship, but also inspires them to continue to seek out and refer others to our services.

So, let us make it a priority to sincerely make our clients feel important, for in doing so, we are not only adding value to their lives, but to ours as well.

6️⃣ Compliment As Often As You Can:

Taking a moment to recognise the accomplishments and strengths of others can go a long way in cultivating a positive and collaborative environment, and is a very powerful practice to add value.

Whether it is a client, a team member, or even a competitor, acknowledging their successes can create a ripple effect of positivity and appreciation. By taking the time to give compliments, we are not only improving our own relationships and reputation but also contributing to the overall culture of respect and recognition within our industry. It shows that we are willing to put aside any animosity or rivalry to appreciate the hard work of our peers.

A great example is a real estate agent complimenting a competitor on their level of service, professionalism and expertise. In the case, this simple act of recognition not only shows their respect and professionalism but also demonstrates to potential clients that they are committed to building strong relationships and prioritising the client’s interests.

NB: This is also a powerful way to receive honest feedback from your clients on what they think of your competitors.

Overall, compliments may seem like a small gesture, but they can have a big impact on building positive relationships and fostering a healthy work environment.

7️⃣ Go Beyond Yourself:

As a professional, building strong relationships with your clients and connections is integral to your success.

By going beyond the call of duty and making introductions, you not only add value, but you also show that you care about their success. Furthermore, by seeking out external services that can help them achieve their goals – even if it’s outside the scope of your own business – you demonstrate your willingness to go the extra mile and ensure their satisfaction.

When you help connect a client or connection with valuable resources, you become a trusted advisor in their eyes. They will appreciate your proactive approach and the effort you put in to help them succeed. You also create a ripple effect of positive outcomes by helping grow businesses and build successful professional relationships. Remember, your network is your net worth. By adding value to your connections, you elevate your own professional standing and build a thriving community of successful individuals. 

So, go ahead and wow your clients and connections by connecting them to the resources that can help them achieve their goals. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Here is a personally experienced example of Adding Value, done exceptionally:

Keith Urban Concert

My wife and I went to the Keith Urban concert at the O2 Forum Kentish Town by the Academy Music Group in March 2019.

Towards the end of the set, Keith came onto an island podium in the middle of the audience standing section to sing his song The Fighter, amongst the crowd. After belting out the song and having the whole crowd jumping, Keith invited a young female audience member onto the podium. To which everyone could see was a lifetime experience for this young lady.

But Keith went one better… After introductions, photos and giving this lady a hug, he signed the guitar he had just used and gifted it to this fan.

Not only a once in a lifetime experience for this audience member, now, it’s one of my greatest concert experiences too. As it would be for everyone else in the audience, I would expect.

After this, Keith Urban, I’m an even bigger fan.


What value adding experiences can you share?

Let me know in the comments below.

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